Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 9

Fruit/veggie day.  Made up a giant salad to munch on throughout the day, using the dressing I made a couple days ago. Spinach, broccoli, and carrots. Quite tasty, though it could really have used some cheese.  Good energy levels today.

I treated myself to a glass of wine this evening as a reward for completing the first cycle. I go in first thing in the morning to get the spheres repositioned and the first official weigh-in.  Pretty sure I hit the 5% mark, but I was hoping for more.  A step on the scale today was slightly disappointing, so we'll see what happens tomorrow.  In any event, people are starting to notice the weight loss now, so that's exciting.

I plan to try out one of the recipes on the Sadkhin site tomorrow. Round one ... complete!


  1. Are you tracking your diet with any of the online tools (MyFitnessPal, Livestrong's DailyPlate, etc.)? I'm curious what your daily intake comes up to. I would reiterate (or rephrase) what they said about physical exercise; nothing to break a sweat.

    What led you down this path vs. something more traditional?

  2. I am not tracking anywhere. I'm sure it's incredibly low - I'd be surprised if I'm breaking 800 calories a day on the milk days. Less on fruit/veggie days. A lot of that comes from the honey, since I get about 3 tbsp a day ... which is still only 180. My friend has been sick all week so I haven't been going to the gym at all, but I know not to expend much energy there.

    This is almost like an extended fast, just with nutrient intake. Remember when tommy did his long fast? That did more for him than just weight loss. I also know a few people who have gone through this or something very similar with much success, and have kept the weight off. What led me to choose this one were a variety of things, like the known successes, the relatively low cost vs other weight loss programs, and the focus on detoxification. Plus I've tried a few other things and they just didn't work for me - too much focus on counting calories, points, etc. I don't like having to stress out about how what I'm eating fits in. I've been sleeping better the past couple of nights, and have felt more alert during the day.

  3. I was actually thinking about Tommy's crazy fast. The symptoms/effects sound very similar. When the body isn't ingesting enough energy to fuel your basal metabolism, it starts scavenging "food" where ever it can.

    I'm surprised how little there is on the Internet (not even a Wikipedia entry!) that's not directly tied to a location that's offering the service. I'd be interested in an independent study of the plan and an attempt to correlate the diet with the anticipated results. ...but I'm a science geek (and it's kinda what I'm doing with my own diet, just on the extreme opposite end).
