Milk day! I like milk days. I don't really get to be creative so much with them because there's really only so much you can do, especially when you're bringing it to work. Created a giant thing of iced chai latte in the morning and sipped on it all afternoon, and honestly, that's good enough for me. I love chai lattes! I'm working from home tomorrow, so I might try to get at least semi creative with the milk. Maybe I'll heat some up and froth it and add tea and make it a hot drink. Or maybe I'll mix it with some ice and make a frappe out of it. Or both!
I did, however, play around with creating a salad dressing or veggie dip today for my next fruit/veggie day. 1/4 cup of honey, tsp of lemon juice, tsp of vanilla extract, salt, paprika, cumin, Italian seasoning... I think that was everything that went into it. Warmed up the honey first, then whisked it all together. It tastes pretty good, so I'm excited to try putting it on a basic spinach salad on Friday.
So far, so good, with the food, it seems. Hunger isn't really much of an issue anymore. The only thing that's really kind of getting to me is the whole "have to rotate the spheres every 2 hours" thing. I keep missing the 2-hour mark and I'm always late. It's just so hard to have to keep watching the clock, especially when you're right in the middle of intensely working on something. Truly annoying. But, I am doing my best and will continue to do so!
Set an alarm on your clock! :)