Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 3

Today turned out to be much easier than I thought it would be. It's my first milk day, which means my only food for the day is whole milk. 20oz total. First meal was a lovely iced green tea latte with honey, vanilla, and cinnamon. I have decided I need to have one of these every milk day because it's amazing.

Went to The Henry Ford museum with a friend, followed by a trip to the mall, dinner, and movie. So it was a great out-and-about trial. While at the mall, we attempted to find somewhere that I could get a simple glass of milk while my friend could have food. This proved to be more of a challenge than anticipated. I ended up getting a milk jug from Cinnabon, then we went to PF Changs, where I had a pot of awesome Citrus Tea, and he had a regular meal. The waiter was exceedngly confused at my lack of ordering food, but oh well!

Didn't really feel hungry today, so maybe I'm settling into the new food routine. And now it's movie time!
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Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 2

Ah, that's better.  Hit the snooze three or four times first!  Now that's a regular wakeup!  I was much more excited about today's food adventure.  Last night I came up with a plan for today's food, and I baked up an eggplant to be stuffed into peppers (recipe to follow), and cut up a mango.  Smelled awesome and I was really wanting to just scarf it down right then, but I managed to exercise a little restraint and discipline and did not.

The peppers turned out awesome.  I ate one at noon and was just stuffed.  Really satisfying meal!  Later on I dug into my mango, which was a great uplift in the afternoon.  Dinner was another pepper.  I think I'm going to add garlic to it next time.  Tea all day, of course!

Energy levels today are pretty good, and hunger was much less of a problem.  My face has broken out a little bit, forehead mainly, which sucks.  I blame it on the 24-hour period of not being allowed to wash my hair after the application of the spheres.  Should clear up in a couple of days.

Oh yes, the chocolate I ordered a couple of weeks ago showed up today (along with a ton of wine).  Great timing, huh!  Guess it'll have to go into the cabinet of things-to-hide for now.  I think I might start calling that "things to look forward to" soon.  Walked past the candy dish at work a couple of times today and it was hard to not just grab a piece, but I managed it.  Milk day tomorrow!

Green Peppers stuffed with Baked Eggplant
1 large eggplant
2 green peppers
2 green onions
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp honey
2 tbsp mixed dried herbs (Italian seasoning will do)
salt & pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 350.

Whisk together the lemon juice, honey, and herbs.  Cut the eggplant in half lengthwise, and spread the honey-lemon mixture over the cut sides of the eggplant.  Place cut side down on a baking sheet, and bake for 50 minutes.  Pull from oven and place the green onions, whole, on the baking sheet and return to oven for an additional 10 minutes.  Allow to cool for a few minutes, and then scoop out the flesh from the eggplant and chop the onions.  Mix the eggplant and the onions together, and add salt and pepper.

Cut the tops off of the green peppers and scoop out the seeds.  Pour half the eggplant mix into each pepper.  To store, put the cap of the pepper back on top, wrap in plastic wrap, and place in the fridge.  When ready to eat, microwave on high for 4 minutes.

Makes 2 servings.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 1

I woke up today in a little bit of a panic.  First off, I woke up before my alarm, and came right awake, which is highly unusual for me.  And then I realized - I had no idea what to do with the plethora of vegetables and fruits now residing in my fridge.  No clue.  So the day was tough.

"Breakfast" consisted of a couple of cups of green tea with honey, which surprisingly worked really well to take the edge off the hunger I was feeling.  The kettle was boiling water all day, practically, as any time I started to feel hungry before the magical noon time resulted in me downing another cup of honeyed green tea. And then noon came around and I had to figure out something to eat.  So I opened up the bag of coleslaw (cabbage & carrots) and pulled out a heaping bowl and mixed it with a little lemon juice and honey and some random herbs that I pulled from the cabinet.  Made a mental note to go get fresh cilantro as that would have added a really nice, needed flavor to it.  Real exciting, right?  I also had a banana and a fistful of carrots later on.  At some point I broke down and had an apple as well, although that technically put me over the "3 fruits/veggies" limit.  See, you're only supposed to have a combination of any 3 fruits/veggies for the day, and ONLY those 3.  But you're also only allowed one banana - so I figure that means I can put in a substitute fruit for the second meal. They say the best combination to do is 2 veggies and 1 fruit, so I will try to do that.

Hit the gym for about a half hour to just walk on the treadmill to get a little activity in.  I had asked Andre about the gym, since I just recently joined and go fairly regularly now with a friend and I didn't want to abandon her.  He actually encouraged me to keep it up, but keep it light.  Walking good, running bad.  So that is what I shall do!

Quite a struggle with hunger today, and I can't tell you how much tea I ended up having.  Going to bed with a grumbly in my tumbly.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 0

My first appointment today - I met with the Certified Sadkhin Practitioner, Andre, at the local Sadkhin Complex location.  The staff was friendly and energetic, and after filling out a brief "about me" questionnaire (similar to what you would fill out in a doctor's office), I was led to a room where I was shown a video explaining the program.  It sounds a little hokey to hear about it, and I'm a little skeptical, but I've decided to give it a shot anyway.  After the video, Andre met with me personally to discuss my goals and plan.  Because I have psoriasis, he recommends that I stay away from citrus and red-skinned fruit, including tomatoes.  Sad for me, because I love strawberries, and I was hoping to be able to have tomato soup.  However, he also says I should definitely incorporate mangoes into the diet, which I love, and to load up on cabbage and carrots.  Pomegranates are also a super-fruit for me, but sadly they're not readily available at this time of the year.  At the end of the session, he taped on the first of the Sadkhin Spheres behind my ears and showed me the proper way to activate them.

After I left, I headed straight for the grocery store to stock up on fruits and vegetables, and to buy my whole milk.  I was still feeling skeptical about the whole thing and wondering if I'll even make it through.  But I'm going to give it my best effort!  The evening then consisted of me emptying the fridge of my disallowed items - the skim milk went down the drain after having one last glass of it, and a lovely bowl of cottage cheese became dinner.  Thankfully I had already had a fairly empty fridge, as I hadn't gone grocery shopping in quite some time, so not much had to go to waste.

Here goes!

Starting weight: 208 lbs
Goal weight: 165 lbs