Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 1

I woke up today in a little bit of a panic.  First off, I woke up before my alarm, and came right awake, which is highly unusual for me.  And then I realized - I had no idea what to do with the plethora of vegetables and fruits now residing in my fridge.  No clue.  So the day was tough.

"Breakfast" consisted of a couple of cups of green tea with honey, which surprisingly worked really well to take the edge off the hunger I was feeling.  The kettle was boiling water all day, practically, as any time I started to feel hungry before the magical noon time resulted in me downing another cup of honeyed green tea. And then noon came around and I had to figure out something to eat.  So I opened up the bag of coleslaw (cabbage & carrots) and pulled out a heaping bowl and mixed it with a little lemon juice and honey and some random herbs that I pulled from the cabinet.  Made a mental note to go get fresh cilantro as that would have added a really nice, needed flavor to it.  Real exciting, right?  I also had a banana and a fistful of carrots later on.  At some point I broke down and had an apple as well, although that technically put me over the "3 fruits/veggies" limit.  See, you're only supposed to have a combination of any 3 fruits/veggies for the day, and ONLY those 3.  But you're also only allowed one banana - so I figure that means I can put in a substitute fruit for the second meal. They say the best combination to do is 2 veggies and 1 fruit, so I will try to do that.

Hit the gym for about a half hour to just walk on the treadmill to get a little activity in.  I had asked Andre about the gym, since I just recently joined and go fairly regularly now with a friend and I didn't want to abandon her.  He actually encouraged me to keep it up, but keep it light.  Walking good, running bad.  So that is what I shall do!

Quite a struggle with hunger today, and I can't tell you how much tea I ended up having.  Going to bed with a grumbly in my tumbly.

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