Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 41

Tea Fast day.  I went in, and I'm another 7lbs down, bringing my total to 25lbs down in 40 days!  I let Andre know that the next time I come in, I'm going on maintenance, and that I knew it meant I wouldn't hit all the way down to the target, and he understood, with the vacation plans and all.  He said I could come back in whenever if I wanted to, even if it's just for the one 10-day, just to finish it off.  I may - that would be pretty easy to do.  Then again, I still think I can finish it off on my own and I'll be good.

Tomorrow will officially start the next 10-day cycle, apparently.  He placed the spheres on the third position - gall bladder/spleen (so, skipping the intestines this time).  Because today is a split/transition day, he recommends just taking the day as a tea fasting day, and then starting fresh with veggies tomorrow.  So I will - I stopped at Starbucks on the way back to treat myself to one of the good Tazo teas.  I was going to hit the gym this evening, but will not, since there will be no food consumption for the day.

He's pretty confident that if I stay very strict this time, that I should see another good drop by the time I go back in next Friday.  You know, unlike LAST time, where I totally blew it for the week.  If I can do another 7 lbs this week, that would only leave 11 lbs for me to deal with on my own.  Doable.  Completely. 

And yes, all you worriers out there - if I start feeling weird today from having no food, I will drink a glass of milk, since it would be a milk day in a normal rotation.  Thank you all for caring and for your support!!


  1. Wow! That's amazing! You must be getting tons of compliments! 25 lbs that's a lot.
    Congratulations on your achievement.
    My weight loss in the second 10-day stretch was very minimal - only 2 lbs. Our Sadlhin lady warned us that it should be expected - but I got so discouraged! Now we are in the 3rd 10-day stretch where the weight loss should be back on track. I am down 11 lbs only so far. But I need another 15 lbs to reach 145 goal weight.
    Good luck!!

  2. Yes, people in the office are starting to notice now - I think it takes longer for those you see every day to notice the difference. Thanks for the congratulations!

    Andre had warned the second cycle would be low on weight loss, but would have a significant inch loss. I think I got lucky with getting both during that one. It was the third cycle that was my trouble week.

    Don't cheat like I did! I think a small thing here and there isn't so bad, but oh man, no nachos and wings and dip... Don't be discouraged. 11lbs is GREAT for 20 days - that was what, 9lbs in the first 10 days? That's right on track with the expected 5-10% loss, so you're doing well! That last 15lbs will go fast. Keep it up!
