Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 33

Milk day.  Or as I like to call today... Lassi day!  The yogurt turned out AWESOME.  It's thinner than your typical store-bought yogurt, but that's only because I didn't add any thickeners like the brands do.  I made up a large vat of cardamom-mint lassi, and saved a little of my 20oz to have as yogurt, with honey and vanilla.

This is so much more filling than my regular milk day lattes.  I used a little too much mint, I think.  One fewer leaf would have been more than sufficient.  So in the recipe, I will give what I SHOULD have done, rather than what I did.  I'm just sad I can't add fruit to it, because that is the only way this could be better.  So tasty!!!

To make the yogurt, I followed the instructions at  It was easy, you just have to be patient.  It's a really great way to save the remains of any milk you have that is approaching its sell-by date (or is already a day or two past).

1 3/4 cups plain yogurt
1/4 cup honey
1/2 cup water, chilled
6 ice cubes
pinch salt

Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.  Serve as-is or over ice.  This is your standard salted lassi base.  To this, you may add spices, herbs, or fruit for variations.  For today, I added
1/2 tsp rose water, 1/2 tsp ground cardamom and 3 mint leaves.

This batch will yield approx. six servings - so spread it out over the day!

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