Milk day. Yay for Variations on Onion Soup! I think? I made a similar creamy onion soup with just milk ... oh, way back during the second cycle. That seems so long ago... Anyway, this time I used the thinner yogurt instead of milk, which yielded a thicker, creamier, tangier onion soup. It needed more honey, and I went a little overboard on the white pepper, so at first it just kind of burned up my throat until I tempered it with more yogurt. I'm not totally pleased with the combination of spices I used in it - I think I just used too much and simpler is better when it comes to onion soup. It's exceptionally filling though - of the two cups of yogurt I ended up using to make the soup, between two "meals" of it, I only ended up eating about 2/3 of the yield. Which means I didn't end up getting the full 20oz of yogurt for the day. On the plus side, I'm totally not feeling hungry today.
I also made up a dish of yogurt to snack on (since 16oz went into the soup, I made up a 4oz bowl of yogurt). Added honey and vanilla to it, and it was really tasty. I really wanted to add a little cocoa powder to it. Cocoa powder is a spice, right? Right?? I'll have to ask Andre about that. I know "chocolate" is a no-go, but what about cocoa powder? Hmm... Anyway, my cat sat watching me eat the yogurt with her "I'm cute, feed me some of what you're eating" face on, one paw raised in curiosity. I kept telling her that it wasn't what she thought it was (I usually let her lick up the leftovers of ice cream, so I can only guess she thought that was what I was eating), but she kept begging. So when I was done, I let her lick the bowl. She took a couple of licks, made a face, and walked away. And I said, "See, I told you." She's a fiend for milk and ice cream, but not so much for cheese, and apparently not so much for yogurt. I'm sure she'll still beg for the next bowl and I'll have to teach her again. Hmm... I wonder if I do that enough with yogurt, if she'll just decide eventually that she hates it all and stops begging when I have ice cream...
A girl can dream, right?
Oh, I almost forgot - the strained yogurt now strongly resembles cream cheese. Now if only I could have a bagel to put it on... or crackers... There's a good amount of whey left too. I still haven't decided what to do with it. Maybe I'll try making ricotta with it... or maybe I'll just save it to use in place of water sometime. Maybe the next onion soup variant trial. But that will be at the earliest 4 days from now. Two veggie days to go, and then it's back to a weigh-in, back to the 2nd sphere location (intestines) with the 1.5-hr rotations, and a new round of veggie/milk days! And this will be the LAST ONE! That's right. I am currently sitting 12 days away from being able to have FISH introduced to my diet. Woo hoo! And then two weeks, and then... I'm totally done!
Wait, that means there's still 26 days to go... yeah that doesn't sound as exciting.
I need to go buy belts. Now.
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