Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 0

My first appointment today - I met with the Certified Sadkhin Practitioner, Andre, at the local Sadkhin Complex location.  The staff was friendly and energetic, and after filling out a brief "about me" questionnaire (similar to what you would fill out in a doctor's office), I was led to a room where I was shown a video explaining the program.  It sounds a little hokey to hear about it, and I'm a little skeptical, but I've decided to give it a shot anyway.  After the video, Andre met with me personally to discuss my goals and plan.  Because I have psoriasis, he recommends that I stay away from citrus and red-skinned fruit, including tomatoes.  Sad for me, because I love strawberries, and I was hoping to be able to have tomato soup.  However, he also says I should definitely incorporate mangoes into the diet, which I love, and to load up on cabbage and carrots.  Pomegranates are also a super-fruit for me, but sadly they're not readily available at this time of the year.  At the end of the session, he taped on the first of the Sadkhin Spheres behind my ears and showed me the proper way to activate them.

After I left, I headed straight for the grocery store to stock up on fruits and vegetables, and to buy my whole milk.  I was still feeling skeptical about the whole thing and wondering if I'll even make it through.  But I'm going to give it my best effort!  The evening then consisted of me emptying the fridge of my disallowed items - the skim milk went down the drain after having one last glass of it, and a lovely bowl of cottage cheese became dinner.  Thankfully I had already had a fairly empty fridge, as I hadn't gone grocery shopping in quite some time, so not much had to go to waste.

Here goes!

Starting weight: 208 lbs
Goal weight: 165 lbs


  1. I've been thinking about giving the Sadkhin Complex a try... heard it advertised on WMUZ and have been researching and DEBATING since... Wondering how you are doing now... though I'll be reading through when I'm done commenting here...
    How much does it cost and what is the food plan?
    Any information you could give would be helpful...

  2. I see you've ready through, so I'm sure you've seen what the food plan is now. The cost is $150 for the first visit, then $75 for each subsequent visit. The final maintenance 1-month checkup and any visits after that are free.

    They have a line of products for sale, including tea, honey, gum, soup, herbal supplements and vitamins. There's nothing special about the tea, honey, or soup (it's just a packet of dried herbs), although the gum has hoodia in it. They are overpriced and unnecessary - don't let them talk you into them. The vitamins and herbal supplements are pricey (and not included in the cost of the program), but I would recommend using them while you are on the program. I am still using the herbal supplements since I can't find a suitable alternative, but I have since switched to a generic vitamin supplement that costs far less.

  3. So cathy, how much did you lose?

    1. Overall I lost about 40 pounds from the time I started dieting just prior to doing the Sadkhin Complex, until the end of the detox program. I haven't been able to lose anymore since finishing the program, but I also haven't gained anything since then either.
